Examining global COVID-19 vaccinations and “antipoverty vaccines” using recombinant DNA technology: Science vs. antiscience

Originally aired: Tuesday, 27 September 2022

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How does one put a price tag on a pandemic? Now entering its third year, COVID-19 and the economic toll it has taken is still being figured out by researchers and health policy experts who hope to provide evidence of vaccine rollouts and get ahead of new variants of the virus. The cost of COVID-19 in lives lost, medical expenses, and economic impact has been severe. It has killed an estimated 15 million people worldwide, and 4 million Americans are living with the lasting symptoms known as long COVID. One article even dubbed it “the $16 Trillion Virus.”

Vaccination has been known as the most successful health strategy for the prevention of infectious diseases and their subsequent disability conditions. Yet equal access to vaccines and aggressive antiscience sentiment remain as hurdles. The Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development developed a low-cost, patent-free recombinant protein COVID-19 “people’s vaccine” (CORBEVAX) that has been administered to more than 70 million adolescents and children in India and was just approved in Botswana. In the United States, substantial progress has been made in vaccinating the population against COVID-19, with the important exception of an estimated 200,000 unvaccinated Americans who lost their lives because they refused COVID-19 vaccinations. Antivaccine defiance has evolved over the last 20 years, starting with disinformation about vaccines causing autism but now culminating around a framework of health or medical freedom that has started to globalize to Canada, Western Europe, and increasingly to low- and middle-income countries. This sentiment targets both biomedical science and scientists with dangerous consequences for the nation but also for worldwide vaccinations and other health and science interventions.

During this webinar, viewers will:

  • Learn about the impact of neglected tropical diseases and COVID-19 among unvaccinated populations in the United States and globally
  • Gain insight into the origins of rising antivaccine sentiment, its recent shifts, and approaches to countering antivaccine activities
  • Discover how recombinant DNA technology is used and plays a vital role in vaccine development.


Speaker: Peter Hotez, M.D., Ph.D.
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX
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Speaker: Shebna Massey, Ph.D.
Sino Biological US Inc.
Houston, TX
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Moderator: Jackie Oberst, Ph.D
Washington, DC
View Moderator Biography